Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Religious Views on Business Ethics - 1126 Words

Business ethics is a very broad term and widely used throughout the world. The term â€Å"business ethics† first started to be used in the United States in the early 1970’s as businesses were growing bigger and more powerful. Business ethics are guidelines or behaviors that businesses and individuals use daily to deal with the world, and even smaller situations they might find themselves in. Race, gender, age and religion all play a role in a person’s ethics. The most important factor in a person’s perspective of business ethics is religion, because there are so many different religious views. Buddhists follow the teachings of Buddha to help with their ethics in business. Christianity uses the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Christ†¦show more content†¦19:28), and â€Å"Justice, justice shall you pursue† (Deut. 16:20) define the values that guide a Jewish economic activity (Knitter Muzaffer, 97). Jewish faith believes that a pe rson should show reasonable concern for others. In these aspects Judaism is like Christian faith, however, there is a major difference in their beliefs. Jews believe that wanting wealth is wrong, and that it leads to envy or greed, which turns people away from God. Like Buddhism, though, Judaism believes that a person should just have what is necessary for them to survive and be happy. Judaism has rules that they follow as business ethics. Employers and employees have different rules to follow, because they are on different levels. One rule that Jews believe, is that an employer should not demand more from a worker than they are capable of doing. An employer is not allowed to embarrass, insult, or degrade an employee, and that they cannot hold a worker’s payment due to a debt. Jewish employees should be allowed to leave work and return home before the sunsets on the Sabbath and holidays. The main rule for employees is that they are not allowed to waste time, slack of f in their performance, interrupt their work, or have meaningless conversations while at work. Judaism has a lot of rules and commandments they believe in dealing with business ethics. Freedom, responsibility, and honesty are the three main ideas of Islamic ethics. To be a Muslim, a person has to have theseShow MoreRelatedCorporate Roles, Personal Virtues, And The Good Life934 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Virtues: An Aristotelean Approach to Business Ethics,† Robert Solomon argues that toughness is a virtue, but callousness and indifference is not. Solomon views the Aristotle approach the proper way, because it considers both personal and business values. However, Albert Carr argues that business and personal ethics don’t mix; and game-strategy in business leads to success. In this paper, I will argue that Carr prevails Solomon’s business ethics and his claim. 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